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You Are Awesome de Matthew Syed

Descripción - Críticas 'How inspiring is it to know that there's a path to awesomeness and that anyone - absolutely anyone - can go down that path. This book shows you how.' - Carol Dweck, PhD, bestselling author of MINDSET 'Syed has an engaging writing style that avoids condescension. Fun facts, statistics, quotes, and stories of hard work and perseverance from 'Famous Failures' are featured. Syed's belief that anyone can get good at something, and his explanation of his process, is realistic and encouraging. ' - School Library Journal'The visual design, featuring many dynamic fonts, inspirational quotes, and energetic drawings in black, gray, and yellow, succeeds in being upbeat and encouraging.' - Booklist'The goal of this book is to help kids realize that they needn't necessarily be born with a certain gift or talent-that maybe success is a combination of hard work, the right mentors, and a strong support system. Syed offers a variety of ways a young person can begin to reflect on who they really are and define what their true passion may be. ' - Kirkus Reseña del editor WHAT IF YOU COULD BECOME AWESOME AT (ALMOST) ANYTHING?It's not as impossible as you might imagine. If you're the kind of person who thinks ... I need a special type of brain to do math You're either good at sports or you're not I don't have a musical bone in my bodyChallenge the beliefs that hold you back! Whatever you want to be good at, the right mindset can help you achieve your dreams.Times journalist, two-time Olympian, and bestselling author Matthew Syed demonstrates how grit, resilience, and a positive mindset can help in every aspect of your life—from school to friendships to sports to hobbies. Using examples of role models from Serena Williams to Mozart, You Are Awesome shows how success is earned rather than given, and that talent can be acquired through practice and a positive attitude.Practical, insightful, and positive, this is the book to help you build resilience, embrace your mistakes, and grow into a more successful, happier YOU! Biografía del autor Matthew Syed is one of the world's most influential thinkers in the field of high performance in the context of a complex and fast-changing world. He draws on a vast array of case studies and real-world examples across sport, business, education and politics. In his previous career, Matthew was the former England table tennis number one for almost a decade. Nowadays Matthew is a multi-award-winning journalist for The Times, a highly-acclaimed speaker, and a regular contributor to radio and television. He is the author of three bestselling books on the subject of mindset and high performance - Bounce, Black Box Thinking and The Greatest. In his latest book, You Are Awesome, Matthew distils the principles of growth mindset, resilience and adaptability in his other books for a younger audience. Matthew lives in London with his wife and two children.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: You Are Awesome
  • Autor: Matthew Syed
  • Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Desarrollo y cuestiones personales y sociales
  • Tamaño del archivo: 7 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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